Increasing/Decreasing Power Supply in an existing connection
A. For the elaboration of the study, the following documents are required:
- Application form for small-scale works (HEDNO S.A. document)
- Statement for the maximum link current, where necessary (HEDNO S.A. document).
- If referring to decrease of power supply, the consent of the property owner is obligatory with a Sworn Statement of L.1599/86.
Β. For the construction of the supply, the signature of the connection agreement with HEDNO S.A. is required (Law 2773/99 and 3426/05), as well as the payment of a sum for the power supply expenses.
C. For the power supply (connection of the inner electrical installation), the Licensed Electrician Certification (L.4483/65 and L.2302/95) to HEDNO S.A. must be submitted.
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