Installation of Electric Vehicle Recharging Infrastructure
In order to start the procedure for the connection and operation of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure, according to article 27 of Law 4710/2020 (Government Gazette A’ 142 / 23.7.2020), it is required to complete and submit to HEDNO the special application form for this purpose
Institutional framework
- Law 4710/2020 (Government Gazette A’ 142 / 23.7.2020
- Ministerial Decision with Government Gazette Β' 4380 / 5.10.2020 "Technical Instructions for the Electric Vehicle Recharging Plans"
- Common Ministerial Decision with Government Gazette B' 3323 / 7.8.2020 "Announcement of the action I MOVE ELECTRICALLY"
- Common Ministerial Decision with Government Gazette B' 2040 / 4.6.2019 "Determination of the terms, conditions and technical specifications for the installation of Electric Vehicle Batteries Chargers"
- Explanatory circular to the implementation of “Technical Instructions for the Charging Points of Electric Vehicles (SFIO)”
According to Article 17 of Law 4710/2020, Municipalities are obliged to conduct EV Charging Infrastructure Plans, with the appropriate number of normal/high power public accessible EV charging points within their region. HEDNO’s participation in these plans is determined by the Ministerial Decision with Government Gazette Β' 4380 / 5.10.2020 "Technical Instructions for the Electric Vehicle Recharging Plans" and described in the Information Note.
- Information Note for HEDNO’s contribution in the Planning of EV Charging Infrastructure
- Digital submission of applications for connectιng electric vehicles recharging infrastructure to the Distribution Network
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